Floyd Sr.: ‘Floyd Would Take Pacquiao Apart, It Would Be a Mismatch’


    download“The fight isn’t even worth talking about,” Floyd Mayweather Sr. said to ThaBoxingVoice.com when asked about a potential fight between his son and Manny Pacquiao. “If they fight, you know what is going to happen to Manny. Even though my son is older now, Floyd is going to take him apart. It would be a miss match.”

    Mayweather Sr. later added, “Pacquiao never wanted to fight Floyd. But now that he got knocked out, he does. He wants to fight Floyd because he needs money. He knows that if he wants to make money, he needs to fight Floyd. If he doesn’t fight Floyd, he is another poor man you see walking in the streets.”

    Last week, Kathy Duva revealed the news about Al Haymon bringing boxing to NBC, on regular free television, taking the fights away from premium networks and PPV. We asked Mayweather Sr. what he thinks about the possibility that the fight between his son and Manny Pacquiao could land on free television.

    “On free television!?” He said confused. “I don’t think it is going to happen. This is a modern time; stuff ain’t gonna work that way. People are getting paid big these days. If it happens, I am more than glad that they can do it. But I don’t think it is going to happen. I think you are going to see something else.”

    When asked what else might be out there for his son, Mayweather Sr. answered, “There is nobody else left for him to fight.”