Donovan Dennis Flattens Razvan Cojanu on ESPN Boxcino

Razvan Cojanu vs. Donovan Dennis

Razvan Cojanu vs. Donovan Dennis Donovan Dennis abliterated Razan Cojanu in tonight’s second TV fight in ESPN’s heavyweight Boxcino tournament. It was both the second fight of the telecast as well as the second fight in the heavyweight semi-finals.

In the first round, Dennis took control and used a more versitle offense by going to both the head and body. His punches were a little loopy, but they had a little pop on them. Cojanu, whose amateur background made him a tournament favorite early on, had trouble moving laterally and seemed a bit sluggish. Cojanu looked a little better than his quarter final victory, but he still appeared tight.

Dennis won the first round by staying consistent and throwing more than one punch, as opposed to Cojanu who was looking for one punch and might’ve been head hunting a little bit.

It was more of the same in the second round, although Dennis was sitting on his punches a little better, evident by things to come. Cojanu looked a little better, too, and he even managed to throw more than one punch a few times.

Out of nowhere, Dennis landed a vicious lead overhand left that ended Cojanu’s night with that one punch. It was a devastating knockout victory, the kind that we will see time and time again for the remainder to the Friday Night Fights season.

Dennis advances to the Boxcino heavyweight finals against Andrey Fedosov.