Tha Boxing Voice Now Has a Forum

1767 has recently installed a forum where members are free to discuss any topics dealing with boxing. All opinions, articles, images, and videos are free to be posted unless members of the community flag the topic with a legitimate reason.

Trolls will not be accepted. We want all members to feel comfortable, and to be able to share anything within the community.

All forms of entertainment are welcomed such as, informative, comical, debatable, and etc.

Some of the writers will also be roaming the forum from time to time, to be involved in the conversations, and answer any lingering questions about the articles or Tha Boxing Voice Radio Show. Some of the writers will also strive to keep in touch with the members on the website, even on other topics.

Since this forum has just been created, we welcome anyone to join and be active on the site. The more active members we have, the greater the community becomes. Feel free to post at all times