Why Bernard Hopkins Is Better Than Floyd Mayweather


Well here we are on May 23rd, 2014, so let’s talk about what’s going on in the world of boxing?

We all know Floyd Mayweather fought, this time he actually came out of the fight looking like he had been in a fight, so props to him for getting the job done. It’s unfortunate that he gets no credit for his toughness, grit, chin and just sheer professionalism.

Make no mistake about it, I think very highly of Mr. Mayweather. I just don’t think that he is the best ever as he proclaims himself to be. I got Bernard Hopkins ahead in my ATG list, as of right now. If you know boxing then you would understand my point. The question remains other than being undefeated and changing the economic dynamics of boxing, what has Floyd done inside the ring that has never been done before?

Bernard Hopkins has done things never done before. Bernard has won as an underdog numerous times, schooling Felix Trinidad, Kelly Pavlik and Antonio Tarver. He also beat Oscar De La Hoya, Roy Jones, Winky Wright, and had 20 middleweight title defenses. He defended his light heavyweight title at the tender age of 49. Come on son, it does not take a genius to see genius! It’s my belief that Hopkins’ mastery of the art of boxing, even at this advanced age is a notch or two above Mayweather. He would have never been roughed up against a guy like Maidana. Bernard would have used his aggression against him, like he has done to so many other fighters who have tried to use rough house tactics against him.

“This kids gift is his stamina”- Brother Nazim Richardson on Floyd Mayweather.

Froch is set to rematch Groves in front of 80,000 people. That’s amazing. UK fans really love their boxing. I don’t think that Mayweather vs. Pacquiao could not sell 80,000 seats, in any football stadium, here in the United States. I do think that Froch is a better fighter, just like I felt going into the last one. I expect Carl to come out much sharper and end it early, emphatically, possibly setting up a fight with Gennady Golovkin.

In terms of Miguel Cotto vs. Sergio Martinez, frankly speaking, I will venture as far as to call it a miss match in Martinez favor. If Cotto can prove me wrong, I will be greatly surprised. Sergio is set on making a statement big time, and he has the perfect opponent to spark clean out in Miguel Cotto. That is unless Miguel Cotto can be great again like he was in 2008, before Margarito, for one last time. He was not quite that great against Pacquiao or Mayweather although he fought valiantly in both fights.

This weekend we have Adonis Stevenson vs. Fonfara. I think that people are not giving a decent fighter in Fonfara, the benefit of the doubt. I will pick Stevenson in a better than expected fight. I am also picking Guerrero to beat David Lemieux, because Fernando would have never lost to Joachim Alcine in my opinion. I have never been too impressed with Lemieux and Guerrero has only lost to respectable opposition. Both fights should be entertaining while they last.