Zab Judah: “Watch Your Mouth Freddie, Before Ya Get Stomped Like A Roach!”


1466185_812476368769370_1371077836_nMayweather-Pacquiao was made about a month ago and the one thing that was missing from the early build up was some good old fashioned trash talking. Except for a moment during the first (and only) press conference when Freddie Roach declared “We’re gonna kick his ass”, the one thing that was missing was the world class trash talk that both camps have been known for.


In the last week or two diplomacy has begun to give way to verbal shots across each camp’s bow. Recently Freddie Roach claimed that Mayweather was beating up “girls” in sparring but he also heard from a source that some “Mexican boys beat the shit out of [Mayweather] two days in a row.” and now former world champion and current sparring partner to Floyd Mayweather Jr, Zab Judah has responded.


Zab judah told that Freddie Roach has a big mouth and he should watch what he says.


“Freddie Roach got a big mouth and come May 2nd, my boy Money May gonna take care of that.”


Zab wasn’t finished… as he walked away he realized there was a great opportunity to unleash a helluva zinger on Pacquiao’s long time trainer.


“Watch your mouth Freddie before ya get stomped like a Roach!”


Freddie’s gonna need some ointment for that sick burrrrrn! Okay, maybe it was lame line but at least it was something! I’ve been waiting for Floyd to be inherently racist toward Pacquiao (again) for about a month now and he hasn’t even come close!


I joke! But seriously, with a month left to go some verbal sparring would enhance the wait quite a bit. These guys can respect each other when the fight is over. Until then I want 6 years worth of pent up frustration vocalized through the media. An entertaining build up can only make the fight bigger and bigger and I want to witness the biggest fight in history. I don’t even want it to be close. I want this to clearly be the largest fight in the history of the sport.

See if Mayweather shuts Freddie Roach up on May 2nd live from The MGM Grand Garden Arena.