Chavez Jr. must be high, goes off on Canelo


    The rivalry between Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. and Canelo has gone on for many years. The two have forged their own path and seen their share of obstacles but accolades and respect aren’t even close when you compare the two fighters.

    The work ethic of Canelo is amazing whereas Chavez Jr. is known to be lazy.  Both have had their share of questionable opponents but Canelo has fought and beaten better opponents. He has even beaten Chavez Jr. who did fuck all during their fight.

    Canelo has since moved on and done great for himself but Chavez has become somewhat a laughing stock and his latest comments prove he is either high (feel free to test him) or he believes his own bullshit a little too much.

    “Canelo wins,” Tweeted Chavez. “But one way or another he can not give the viewers a worthy show! Especially when he claims to be the best! A rival without getting into a ring for two years! I’ll get in against  Canelo and I will not  charge at 175 pounds the day you want!”

    Chavez continued, “I repeat with these rivals the only thing that I shows is that you want to generate money! I’m not going to charge you anything! I will fight against Canelo for free and he will not acknowledge it! He wouldn’t get more money with anyone than a rematch with me! With no one the only condition is at 175 pounds! No money!”