When you compare Marcos Maidana and Adrien Broner there are several aspects from both fighters that stand out. One of the comparisons is that Maidana is calm and humble whereas Broner is flashy and outgoing. Maidana prefers to talk with his fists and Broner pops off at the mouth frequently like he would die if he didn’t.
So how does “El Chino” feel about Broner’s antics?
“I am usually respectful to other fighters,” said Maidana. “I don’t like trying to intimidate opponents and Broner always tries to intimidate his opponents and trash talk. I don’t like that.”
There were originally two options on the table for Maidana, Paulie Malignaggi and Adrien Broner. Malignaggi and Broner were first set to face each other and the winner was then set up to face Maidana. Broner won the fight but it was controversial. Broner also seemed to lack the power that he had at the lower weight classes which may come into effect during the fight with Maidana. Is Broner really suited to fight at welterweight?
“I talked to Malignaggi and he said he has no power. I don’t believe that Broner is suited for welterweight.”
This will mark the second time Maidana has headlined a pay per view. Golden Boy is marketing Broner as the second coming of Floyd Mayweather and pressure may be mounting on Maidana by fight night but for now, he seems calm and collected. After all, he did want the fight.
“I don’t care. I will get into the ring with him and one of us will win and be champion. I am not scared of anything. I wanted to fight him.”