Will Jack Johnson Ever Receive His Pardon?


    So much has changed in North America within the past 100 years but some things still remain the same. Racism is still around even though it is more frowned upon nowadays. So why do minorities feel that they have the odds stacked against them? It is probably because they do. Every non-Caucasian race in the U.S. has been a victim of racism. Since America’s beginning; Native Americans and blacks have always been looked down on and treated unfairly. The Chinese were screwed over during the old railroad days. Asians were placed into camps during World War 2. Muslims are viewed as terrorists and are victimized due to a handful of radicals. Mexican’s are blamed for the economy by working illegally for a better life. America is a huge melting pot and every race has been treated unjustly but yet celebrities and athletes today get next to no punishment for severe crimes that they commit but in Washington D.C. they have yet to right a wrong that was committed over 100 years ago.

    Jack Johnson was a heavyweight boxer that brought out such raw emotions in people. He beat the best black fighters that were around then moved on to face and defeat the best Caucasian fighters that were around. The fact that Johnson was fighting and beating white fighters brought out a deep animosity in Caucasian’s that sent them searching for a “Great White Hope” to take away Johnson’s title and make him a forgotten fighter. Their attempts failed and Johnson’s star shined brighter and brighter.
    In 1910 Johnson fought James J. Jefferies in what was labelled “Fight of the Century.” Johnson would win that fight and earn a huge sum of money. The outcome of the fight itself caused racial riots all over the United States.

    In 1912 Johnson was arrested for driving across state lines with Lucille Cameron whom he was romantically involved with. The grounds for the arrest were violation of the Mann Act which prohibited white slavery and the interstate transport of females for immoral purposes. Cameron ended up becoming Johnson’s wife in the future.

    Johnson was convicted by an all white jury for his crime which actually took place before the Mann Act was instated. The true reason behind his arrest is obviously because of his race, color or creed and that despite being of color, he was very successful which was unacceptable at the time.
    There have been many proposals to get Johnson a presidential pardon but they have always failed. Can race still play a part in the pardon not going through? Surely with a black president you think it would go through and justice would be served to Johnson or is there still racial issues with others in Washington D.C. driving the president to shoot down the pardon?

    Former heavyweight Mike Tyson has recently been making a push for the pardon of Jack Johnson. You can sign the online petition at: http://www.change.org/petitions/president-barack-obama-pardon-boxing-legend-jack-johnson?utm_campaign=action_box&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=share_petition

    Join in to help right a wrong and end racial bigotry.