Broner: “Nobody At 135 or 140 Poses a Problem.”


    After his performance victory against a tough, yet over-matched opponent in Gavin Rees, the critics have thrown out numerous names to who they say can cause a ‘problem’ for Adrien Broner. Most pundits would want to see him move up to the 140 lb. division where names like Lucas Matthysse, Danny Garcia, and Brandon Rios linger.

    However, to ‘The Problem”, no one in those divisions poses one. “Nobody poses a problem at 135 or 140. I’ll make them all like the same. Different strokes for different folks, I’ll fight these guys all different ways,” explained Broner.

    The name that has run synonymous with Broner since he became a world champion at 130 has been Scotland’s Ricky Burns. Burns himself has a tough fight ahead of him in March against IBF champion Miguel Vasquez. But Broner is pulling for Burns even if he doesn’t consider him a threat.

    “I’m pulling for Ricky Burns; I hope he wins the next fight. I’m praying that he wins. But that’s easy money. If I fought Ricky Burns, he would get burnt out. I’m not waiting on Ricky Burns, if he doesn’t want to fight than he doesn’t want to fight, oh well.”

    If not Burns, then who? One name that Broner has crossed off the list is Yuriorkis Gamboa because of his recent connection with A Miami clinic that was linked to performance enhancing drugs.  “Gamboa is on PED’s, he’s on PED’s. I don’t want to hear about Yuriorkis Gamboa. Tell him to get his piss clean then he could talk about Adrien Broner,” explained Broner. Because of that suspicion, Broner says moving forward that he will ask for additional testing regarding performance enhancing drugs.

    Another name thrown out there was Brandon Rios who is a division north at 140 lbs. When the name Rios was brought to Broner’s attention, Broner brushed it off and stated, “C’mon Man. If Brandon Rios wants to fight, we can fight. I’ll put whoever they put in front of me regardless of how he is.”

    As far as moving up in weight, Broner is in no rush. “Everyone’s so anxious for me to go up to 140, when I just made weight drinking a sprite. I make weight so comfortably. I’m a legal bank robber; I just robbed a bank tonight. As long as HBO keeps paying me to fight these lightweights, I’m a keep fighting these lightweights. I’ve never been on the farm but I’m milking the cow right now.”

    While he’s milking the cow now, Broner seems to be in line to be a cash cow. Whether you love him or hate him, you have an opinion on him. That’s more than many other fights can say right now. He knows what the future possibly holds for him and is prepare to start his legacy.

    “I really don’t follow anyone’s career. Boxing is an individual sport so I’m just worried about my career not anyone else. There are high expectations for me to take boxing over after [Floyd] Mayweather and [Manny] Pacquiao hang up their gloves. . I train like I’m broke so it keeps me hungry. I don’t know how long I’ll be here but I’m building my legacy, even though legacy doesn’t always mean long career.”