Gabriel Rosado Utilizing Algieri’s Nutritional Program


    gabriel-rosadoChris Algieri has a master’s degree in clinical nutrition from the New York Institute of Technology. He programs his own diet in order to prepare himself for fights. He currently releases information involving his diet to the public on his own website, One has to make their own account, which is free and a five second process, to be able to view the information.

    Gabriel Rosado, who is preparing for his own fight against David Lemieux on December 12th, has taken advantage of Algieri’s public display of his nutritional program. Rosado told ESNEWS, “You know what man I got on his [Chris Algieri’s] page and copycat his meals. I make my breakfast, my lunch, my dinner, and I’ll copycat what he’s eating.”

    Rosado claims implementing Algieri’s meals into his own diet has helped rejuvenate his body after a physically demanding day of training.

    “I feel good, real energized. I’m not eating the way I usually do. I’m actually eating real good man. My weight is down, I feel faster, and I feel my energy level is different.”

    To be clear, Algieri does not post daily but weekly. On his site it states, “Each week I’ll be posting photos of meals I prepare to fuel my body and help me recover from intense workouts and training sessions. Nutrition is everything; it all starts with what you put in your body.”