Judah and promoter suspended by NSAC


Zab JudahBoxer Zab Judah and promoter Roy Englebrecht were placed on immediate 10-day suspension by the Nevada State Athletic Commission for “providing the commission with false licensing documents” according to Yahoo Sports. This suspension comes only one day before Judah was set to headline against Josh Torres at the premiere of his “Knockout Night at the D” was set to launch.

Judah has been inactive since his fight against Paulie Malignaggi in 2013. This suspension, however, is not the first time his return to the ring has been halted. In August of 2015, Zab Judah signed with promoter Greg Cohen, which resulted in a string of unfulfilled fights as well, according to RingTV.com. Last month the former champion made the executive decision not to continue his relationship with Cohen and proceeded to dedicate himself to the main event set to happen this Saturday, which was ultimately canceled.

Bob Bennett, executive director of the Nevada State Athletic Commission said that Judah and Englebrecht are scheduled for a hearing about the controversy March 23.

“It’s really too bad for the fans, for the network and for the sport of boxing… But the Nevada State Athletic Commission has always prided itself on the health and safety of the fighters and having integrity be at the forefront of our rules and objectives and our mission statement. Once you see the findings that we have to date, I think it will be very evident in why we had to take this action.” Rumor has it that the discrepancy is due to paperwork that was filled out by Roy Englebrecht on the behalf of Judah, possibility pertaining to whether the applicant is on court ordered child support.

When questioned about the possible punishment for Judah, Bennett declined to go into detail due to “pending litigation” but told RingTV that Zab was at risk of having his license revoked but was not in danger of a lifetime ban.