David Lemieux was Gennady’s biggest threat, but it seemed during the fight that he was levels below GGG’s pedigree. Lewis was asked what David lacked in the fight and what went wrong, Lewis answered, “I was surprised I wanted Lemieux to take more chances with that right hand because Golovkin’s hand was down, but sometimes he got caught with the right hand, so he has to watch out for that.”
Now that GGG has won everyone is looking for his next step, most speculation would say because he is a mandatory to the winner Cotto vs. Canelo that he is going to fight one of those guys next. History shows mandatory has plenty malleability in the world of boxing. I mean how long has Alexander Povetkin been mandatory to Deontay Wilder, have they fought yet? Exactly. So Lewis commented on a potential matchup between GGG and the winner of November’s epic showdown between Cotto vs. Canelo. Saying “All good fights, fights that we want to see, fights I will certainly fly out to watch, and we are excited to see the future of GGG”.
GGG’s name is rising in the sport of boxing, and it may be a slower rise than we thought it would with his PPV numbers coming back unimpressive. The one thing we do trust is that a GGG fight is going to be exciting he brings the pain like no one in the business. The only thing we worry about is the opposition first off will the elite fighters fight him and secondly does he have the drawing power to force elites when they willingly won’t take a fight against him. The under 150,000 PPV buys surely didn’t help his cause, but we all know now that if he has the right dance partner then numbers will be better. Plus, having one of the best Heavyweights of our time intrigued enough that he would fly out to your fights is also a major plus.