Marquez Has One Punch Power?


    On Saturday, December 8th one punch changed the course of the sport of boxing. This punch knocked Manny Pacquiao out cold and gave Juan Manuel Marquez what he has been dreaming of for years, a win over Manny Pacquiao. Both guys were class acts and my hat goes off to both of them. It’s certainly a fight that I will always remember but that goes for their previous fights as well.

    A lot of people are now saying there is no way Pacquiao can beat Mayweather, that the fight won’t happen now and the fight is dead. To them I say malarkey! The fight can still happen. In fact we might be closer than ever. A Pacquiao loss may drive Mayweather to make the fight. After all, his nickname is ‘Money” and he doesn’t want to lose out on all that cash. Mayweather’s long time friend 50 cent tweeted this, seemingly at Floyd, shortly after the fight, “Who’s the fool that lost 100 million last night? Cause he rather trick on hoe’s then fight. SMSaudio.”

    50 cent was trying to make the Mayweather and Pacquiao fight before the two split. Shortly after the fight was over Floyd started tweeting and letting people know he was working out. I think Manny’s KO even scared the great Floyd Mayweather and reminded him that we are all human. One day after the fight Floyd tweeted, “My prayers go out to the Pacquiao family. I know he loves the sport of boxing, so hopefully he can bounce back.”

    There has been a lot of talk lately about Pacquiao being done and that he should retire. I don’t see that, in fact he was fighting well and had Marquez bloodied. Anybody and I do mean anybody; can get knocked out when they fight that aggressively. Earlier this year he beat a young, in his prime Timothy Bradley, although the judges didn’t see it that way.

    Was it a lucky punch that floored Pacquiao? I can’t be for certain but I will say that there is a fine line between lucky punch and skillful counter. Pacquiao leaned into a Marquez right hand as Marquez stepped on Pacquiao foot. I don’t want to take anything away from Marquez but I keep asking myself where did he get this sudden power from? Was it pure desire to finally beat his rival or was it something more? So what do you fans think?

    I have watched a lot of Marquez’s fights over the years and I never remember him having as much power as he had last Saturday. Not just power, one punch power. The first knockdown in the third round was an overhand right that dropped Manny hard and the second was the punch that knocked him cold. Both came from one punch and the first wasn’t even a counter. No denying that Marquez was in shape but what man gets a sudden burst of power at the age of 39? Tell me your opinion.



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