Nacho Beristain Disgruntled With Media Pitting Him Against Canelo


    Nacho Beristain has been in the boxing industry since way before I was born. His experience in and out of the ring could teach generations to come so much. When he says something you know he is not just talking out of his ass like pretty much everyone does today.

    Throughout the years Beristain has commented on the career of Canelo, both good and bad. It was not his intention to single Canelo out but the media made it that way. They would always question him about Canelo and what do you do if you’re asked a question? You give an answer. It may not be what people want to hear but it’s easier to keep up with the truth than it is a lie.

    A message was released from Beristain’s social media on Monday in which he addressed his previous comments on Canelo and Eddy Reynoso and the way the media spun his comments. Beristain had tagged Canelo and Reynoso in the post in order for them to see where he came from originally and what the whole situation was made out to be.

    “Many years ago my life revolved around boxing,” stated Beristain. “This has not only been my source of work, it is my life.  I have never liked injustices, unfortunately in boxing there are countless forms of them. I have had to defend each one of my fighters because they are part of my family. I respect and admire them for the many sacrifices they make to achieve their goals.

    “I respect the work of the fighters and also of their coaches because I know the business and how difficult it is to become a World Champion.

    “That is why it seems so low to me that [the media] make comments or publications where they use my name, not only to criticize if not offend a fighter in a particular way. For my part the opinions about CANELO I have made them all out loud. Everything that I have declared in particular about him are in the interviews in which they have asked me about him but in no way and at no time did I make comments like the ones the image (headlining image for this article) shows.  I am a classy coach and the opinions that I want to say to a fighter will always be voiced.  So I ask these cowardly people that if you want to give a negative or positive opinion, do so under your own name and do not use mine, much less my prestige, to offend a fighter.””