PBC on Spike: Robert Guerrero vs. David Peralta-Live Play-By-Play


Tonight on Spike TV, PBC will be airing live 9:00 p.m. E.S.T. Stay tuned and refresh the page for updates.


-Robert Guerrero vs. David Peralta, 12 rounds at welterweight

Round 1: Guerrero comes out and pops his jab. He lands a jab to the body. Peralta wants to keep this on the outside; he keeps circling away. Guerrero lands a solid left hook. Guerrero lands a left to the body. They tie up and Guerrero lands a few inside. Guerrero seems to have trouble with the reach difference at the moment. He lands a left to the body after Peralta lands a right upstairs.

10-9 Guerrero

Round 2: Peralta paws forward with his jab. Guerrero lands a right to the body. Peralta lands a clean jab. Guerrero lands a left uppercut counter. Guerrero lands a counter left downstairs. He then lands a huge overhand left. Peralta seems a bit gun shy at the moment. He can’t seem to pull the trigger. A check hook from Guerrero lands clean. Peralta lands a right after missing on the jab. Both men trade in the clinch to end the round.

10-9 Guerrero

Round 3: Guerrero feinting a jab. Peralta rushes inside lands a right but gets clipped by a left from Guerrero. They clinch up and land a few shots. Peralta lands a power right hook. Guerrero lands an overhand left. Peralta lands a right as Guerrero comes inside. Guerrero lands flush shots as Peralta is against the ropes. Peralta is cut above his right eye. Guerrero lands a left on the exit. Peralta seems staggered for a second.

10-9 Guerrero

Round 4: Peralta gets tagged with two hooks from Guerrero. Guerrero is countering Peralta when Peralta comes in or is dashing inside hoping to bully Peralta. Guerrero gets tagged with a 1-2. Guerrero lunges in with left and then lands another huge left. They clinch up with Guerrero bullying him to the body. Peralta lands a right. He lands a 1-2 against the Ghost. This was the closest round so far.

10-9 Guerrero

Round 5: Guerrero misses with a 1-2 as Peralta escapes through the side door. Guerrero lands a left uppercut as Peralta dashes inside. They clinch up with some body blows exchanged. Peralta lands clean. Both men are trying to bully the other in this round; Guerrero with the forward pressure, and Peralta trying to set up combinations on the back foot. Both men are circling each other looking for openings. Guerrero lands a right to the body.

10-9 Peralta

Round 6: Peralta gets tagged by a 1-2 opening up the round. Then he lands a 1-2 of his own. Peralta has been moving in the right direction the whole fight. It makes it hard for Guerrero to find proper angles for his punches. Guerrero lands a left downstairs. Guerrero lands a jab but gets pushed back with power shots from Peralta. Peralta lands a few shots. Guerrero lands a left straight.

10-9 Peralta

Round 7: Guerrero gets tagged by a hard right hand opening up the round. He then answers back with a 1-2. Guerrero is trying to bully Peralta against the ropes but is getting tagged coming in every time. Guerrero lands a solid right hook up top. Peralta and Guerrero land blows along the ropes. Guerrero gets tagged again coming inside. Peralta with a left right hook combination against the ropes. Guerrero can’t seem to corner Peralta long enough to unleash his own offense. Peralta is tagging him throughout the round. Guerrero misses with a left hook.

10-9 Peralta

Round 8: Peralta lands a lead shovel hook. Guerrero now can’t seem to get in a rhythm. Peralta is tagging him and circling away from Guerrero’s power hand. Peralta lands a right downstairs. Guerrero answers back with a left to the body. Guerrero lands a huge left hand over the top. Peralta didn’t seem too fazed by it. Both men exchange hooks on the inside. Guerrero lands a huge left again, this time staggering Peralta for a second.

10-9 Guerrero

Round 9: Guerrero gets tagged with a left from Peralta. He then throws a huge left that connects. Peralta gets tagged to the body by two good shots from Guerrero. Peralta lands a three punch combination. He then gets tagged by a left hook. Peralta seemingly knocked down Guerrero with a power right but the ref didn’t call it. Guerrero is still rattled in there. Peralta lands a 1-2. He hurts Guerrero again with a right straight.

10-9 Peralta

Round 10: Guerrero lands a left in the clinch. Peralta lands a flush right hand. He lands a right to the body. Guerrero lands a check lead hook. Peralta comes back with a right straight. Peralta misses on a lunging right. Guerrero lands a left to the body but gets tagged by a right hand. Peralta tags him with a left hook to the body followed up by a right over top. Guerrero is chasing him around but can’t seem to find the target anymore.

10-9 Peralta

Round 11: Peralta misses on a right and gets caught by Guerrero. Peralta lands a jab. Both men are missing shots. Peralta lands a right straight. Guerrero lands a left to the body. Peralta lands that right again; almost at will at this point. Guerrero lands a left to the body. He then misses a 1-2. He lands another left to the body, but eats a right hand. Guerrero almost pulls of a takedown as the round ends.

10-9 Guerrero

Round 12: Peralta gets tied up and eats some shots to the body. Peralta lands a clean 1-2 as Guerrero exits. He lands a combination again. Guerrero eats more shots as he is back-peddling. Peralta lands a right as he eats a left from Guerrero. Two huge lefts from Guerrero lands. Peralta lands some shots against the ropes. Peralta lands a right. Guerrero lands a left. Both men trade hard shots as the fight is over.

10-9 Guerrero

Official scorecards: 115-113, 113-115, 116-112 for the winner by Split Decision, David Peralta. TBV scorecard is 115-113 for Robert Guerrero.

-Alfredo Angulo vs. Freddy Hernandez, 10 rounds at super middleweight

Round 1: Angulo is looking to pressure Hernandez but can’t cut off the ring. Neither man landing anything of note in the first minute. Hernandez is landing his jab, while Angulo is looking to land combinations to the body. Angulo lands a jab but gets a counter combination from Hernandez. Hernandez lands a 1-2. Angulo misses wide of a left hook. Hernandez is tagging Angulo at will. Angulo lands a solid right left combination. Hernandez goes downstairs for a combination.

10-9 Hernandez

Round 2: Hernandez gets hit with an overhand right. Angulo gets caught with a coupke jabs. Angulo lands a right to the body. Angulo looks a bit quicker in this round, may have needed a round to warm up. Hernandez misses on an uppercut and gets hit with a jab. Angulo gets tagged with a two punch combination. Hernandez connects with a solid right to the body. Then a 1-2 but Angulo comes back with his own power shots. The fight is slowly turning into a phone booth affair. Angulo getting tagged on the way in but lands more powerful shots on the inside.

10-9 Angulo

Round 3: Angulo is getting hit with Hernandez’s jab throughout, but they don’t seem to phase him. A right straight and left hook combination from Hernandez. A great right hook to the body from Angulo, but then he gets hit with a 1-2 from Hernandez. Angulo gets tagged with a left hook. Hernandez’s shots are more compact but his chin is not close to Angulo’s. Angulo throwing wide shots and misses. Hernandez lands a right to the body. Both men attack their respective bodies as the round comes to a close.

10-9 Hernandez

Round 4: Hernandez throws a couple jabs out to open up the round. Angulo is just slower on the trigger than Hernandez. Hernandez slipping punches and throwing counters now. An amazing left hook upstairs from Hernandez. It does nothing to Angulo though. Angulo lands a solid right down the pipe. Hernandez shoe shines to the body. He then throws a power right down the middle. Both men land left hooks to their bodies. Angulo is no longer pressuring; he may be hurt. Hernandez throws and lands a few hard shots as the bell sounds.

10-9 Hernandez

Round 5: Hernandez lands a three punch combination. Hernandez lands a right over top. Angulo pressures him off a slip but gets tagged coming inside. Angulo is turning up the heat trying to hurt Hernandez but Hernandez is landing more clean shots. Angulo getting beat up to the body. Angulo looks more effective in this round in his pressure. A counter left hook from Hernandez. Angulo tags him with his own left. Hernandez is cut, and Angulo smells blood. Both men trade along the ropes to end the round.

10-9 Angulo

Round 6: Angulo gets tagged with two decent jabs. Hernandez should be popping his jab out more. Angulo leaves himself open as he comes in, and gets tagged with a right. Hernandez gets tagged with a left hook. He comes back with a three-punch combination. Angulo lands a huge right hand. Hernandez comes back with volume. Angulo lands another huge right as they exchange. He lands a few hooks to the body.

10-9 Angulo

Round 7: Angulo lands a right as Hernandez is trying to establish his jab in this round. Angulo lands a left hook. Hernandez comes back with a 1-2. Both men land in the phone booth with a left hook to the body from Angulo being the cleanest strike. Hernandez lands a left upstairs. Another left-hook from Hernandez. Angulo is made of pure steel. A right hand from Angulo as he is trying to corner Hernandez.

10-9 Angulo

Round 8: Angulo lands a 1-2. Hernandez lands about nine unanswered blows to the head and body, though nothing of power or note. A decent right from Hernandez. Four more punches from Hernandez. A 1-2 from Angulo and a follow up from Hernandez has the crowd cheering. A solid right counter from Hernandez. Hernandez lands a right to the body. Two short hooks in the clinch from Angulo end the round.

10-9 Hernandez

Round 9: A huge right from Angulo to start the round. Angulo is pressuring in this round. He lands a solid left hook multiple times. Hernandez comes back with a fiery right hand. A decent left hook from Hernandez. A left hook to the body and a right hook up top from Angulo. Returned by Hernandez. Angulo throws that same combination with great effect again. Hernanez trying to back him up with his jab and volume. He lands a great combination to the body against the ropes. A solid four punch combination to close out the round for Hernandez.

10-9 Hernandez

Round 10: Angulo gets hit with a jab. He then lands a solid left hook. Hernandez lands a solid right straight. Both men trading in the phone booth. Angulo lands a nice right upstairs. Hernandez lands a two punch combination. Hernandez slips a huge right from Angulo. Both men are throwing everything they have left. Hernandez lands a huge combination against the ropes. Both men trade hooks upstairs to stagger each other. The last 10 seconds they go for broke.

10-9 Hernandez. TBV scorecard 95-94 for Freddy Hernandez. 98-92, 97-93×2 for the winner by Unanimous Decision, Freddy Hernandez.

-Terrel Gausha vs. Steve Martinez, 10 rounds at junior middleweight

Round 1: Gausha gets hit with a jab opening the round. Martinez throwing the jab out often. Martinez lands a jab to the body. He lands a right to the body after a jab upstairs. He lands that again. Gausha lands a right out of the clinch. Gausha slips a jab but eats a body shot. Gausha trying to establish his jab now. Left and right hook from Martinez. Martinez is ripping him to the body. Gausha seems to be flustered with all the pressure.

10-9 Martinez

Round 2: Martinez comes out with the jab. Gausha popping the jab but gets countered by Martinez. Good left hook to the body from Martinez. Both men trade in the phone booth for a bit, each connects. Gausha lands a good left hook counter. He then unloads a combination. Right hook to the body from Martinez. Gausha throws an uppercut and a right over top that connects. Martinez is jumping in with good combinations that Gausha is trying to counter.

10-9 Martinez

Round 3: Martinez gets tagged coming in with a great jab from Gausha. Martinez lands some body shots in the clinch and against the ropes. Good counter to the body from Gausha. Both men are going back and forth to the body. Left hook to the body from Martinez but then countered by a right hook up top. Gausha is starting to time Martinez now. He is landing more often in this round. A right hand to the gut from Martinez. Gausha is now pressuring more as well. Both men connect with shots as the round ends.

10-9 Gausha

Round 4: Martinez lands a jab. Gausha answers back with one of his own. Right and then left hook to the body from Martinez. Martinez comes in off the centerline behind his jab looking to unload to the body. Gausha lands a couple jabs. Martinez corners him and unloads a combination to the body and head. Both men trade power shots. Good right down the pipe from Gausha as Martinez comes forward. A great right over the top from Martinez. Gausha lands a nice right as he circles but Martinez corners him again and throws a beautiful combination.

10-9 Martinez

Round 5: Martinez comes out swinging and lands a combination upstairs and to the body. A lead hook to the body then a right over top has become Martinez’s go to combination. Gausha lands a jab. Martinez puts him against the ropes and unleashes another combination. Gausha is getting bullied right now. Martinez lands a huge right then Gausha lands one as well. Martinez might be slowing down. Gausha lands a few jabs before getting bull rushed to the ropes.

10-9 Martinez

Round 6: Martinez comes out swinging like before but Gausha is pushing back with his own power shots. Both men are landing at will to the body and head to start this round. Gausha lands a combination to the body. Martinez lands his own against the ropes. Three hard hooks to the body seem to stun Gausha. He gets rocked by a combination in the corner but holds on to survive. Martinez smells blood in the water, but Gausha comes back with some shoe shining. Gausha lands three hard rights to the body and head that get the attention from the crowd. Martinez snaps his head back with a jab. Martinez lands a right downstairs as he gets countered with a right from Gausha up top.

10-9 Martinez

Round 7: Martinez get caught with a couple jabs before forcing Gausha against the ropes. Gausha lands a solid right hand. Gausha gets pushed against the ropes but counters Martinez with a 1-2. Martinez is just drowning Gausha with volume power shots at this point. Gausha gets tagged with a jab. Martinez doubles on the jab but gets caught with nice right by Gausha. Gausha is looking fresher but can’t seem to get Martinez to respect him. Martinez is continuing to cut off the ring at a high level and throwing combinations in volume. Close round but Martinez is still in control.

10-9 Martinez

Round 8: Martinez lands a jab to open up the round. Gausha circling and trying to get space but Martinez is bullying him to the ropes. Good right uppercut from Gausha. Both men land jabs on each other. A decent left hook to the body from Martinez. Gausha lands a good uppercut. Gausha is doing better in this round, but Martinez is still landing combinations against the ropes while Gausha lands one shot at a time.

10-9 Gausha

Round 9: Gausha hits him flush with a right hook, but Martinez answers back with another four+ punch combination. Martinez lands two hooks to the body. Gausha with a nice right down the middle against Martinez. Gausha looks much cleaner in this round but still gets bullied to the ropes consistently. The judges will not favor that. Martinez gets tagged hard by Gausha with a 1-2.

10-9 Gausha

Round 10: Both men come out swinging for the final round. Each lands their best shots of the fight against the ropes. Martinez throws a combination to the body, while Gausha tries to circle out with a jab. Gausha lands a couple jabs. Gausha lands an uppercut then turns the corner. Gausha looking for a counter right over a Martinez’s jab. Martinez lands a right hook. Gausha lands his own. Both men get rocked.

10-9 Gausha. TBV scorecard 95-94 for Steve Martinez.

95-95, 97-93, 97-93 for Terrel Gausha. Awful decision, just awful. The crowd is not happy with this one.

-Stephen Shaw vs. Jonathan Rice, 6 rounds at heavyweight

Round 1: Shaw opens up with a body jab. Shaw misses a lead left hook. Rice slips a shot. Shaw lands a jab. Rice lands one of his own. Shaw lands a jab to the body. Both men are tentative and not looking to leave themselves open. Rice lands a jab to the body. Rice lands a lead left hook but it wasn’t flush. Shaw lands a reaching lead hook to the body. Both men did little in this round.

10-9 Shaw

Round 2: Rice lands a jab. Both men are pawing at each other neither finding their respective ranges yet. Shaw lands one over the top. Rice lands a jab to the body. Shaw is starting to loosen up in the ring. Rice lands a double jab. Shaw lands a power left hook after the right misses. First power punch landed in the fight. Rice just keeps extending his lead hand to find the range but gets countered by little shots from Shaw. Shaw lands a right over the top as the round ends.

10-9 Shaw

Round 3: Rice lands a couple jabs. Shaw misses on a combination. A 1-2 from Shaw tags Rice. Shaw lands a right to the body. The crowd is getting restless. Shaw lands a couple jabs that send the sweat flying off Rice. Shaw lands a right over top. Rice misses on an overhand right. Shaw seems to have found his range as he is tagging Rice with that right more often now. Both men are still tentative. Shaw lands a jab as the round ends.

10-9 Shaw

Round 4: Shaw comes out with a lead left hook that tags Rice. Shaw is landing his jab almost at will now. Rice can’t seem to get his punches off. Shaw lands a right up top then a hook to the body. Rice’s form of defensive is a poor mans Philly shell that leads to him eating lead hooks. Shaw lands a power right straight to the body. The crowd is booing more than they are landing punches at this point. Shaw opens up more to try to please the crowd as the round closes out.

10-9 Shaw

Round 5: Shaw lands a jab to open up the round. Rice lands a jab. Shaw lands an overhand right. He tags him with a 1-2. Rice lands a decent body shot, but gets tagged by a jab on the way out. Rice is getting tagged frequently with a jab and hook to the body combination. Shaw is picking him apart, just happens to be at a slow pace with little damage done. Shaw lands a 1-2 as the round ends.

10-9 Shaw

Round 6: Rice looks to have slowed down drastically. Shaw is just pumping out that jab to keep Rice at bay. Both men land punches as they have their first meaningful exchange of the fight. Shaw is walking Rice down at this point. Shaw throws his punches almost like a Maidana with it being almost a slap downwards but less efficiently. Shaw lands a shovel hook. Rice continues to circle and Shaw lands his jabs as the fight ends.

10-9 Shaw. TBV scorecard is 60-54 for Stephan Shaw who won via decision.

Daniel Gonzalez vs. Javier Cepeda, 4 rounds at featherweight

Round 1: Gonzalez lands a crisp jab and right hand. He lands another right over top. He lands a 1-2 and then a lead uppercut to the body. He gets tagged by Cepeda then returns fire immediately. He lands a crisp right hook as Cepeda ducks off the centerline. Cepeda lands three punches but Gonzalez comes back with his own power shots. He gets tagged by a four punch combination then lands a counter right hook. Gonzalez lands another right as the round ends.

10-9 Gonzalez

Round 2: Gonzalez lands a few jabs to start the round and then slips a right by Cepeda. He lands a lead counter left hook as Cepeda comes forward. He slips another punch and throws a counter right hand. Gonzalez switches stances and lands a power left straight. He switches back to orthodox and corks off a few power rights that staggers Cepeda. Gonzalez switches stances almost at will now. Cepeda can’t seem to find his range. Gonzalez lands a power lead left as the bell sounds.

10-9 Gonzalez

Round 3: Gonzalez slips some punches and lands a counter combination to the body. He is starting to time all of Cepeda’s shots with extreme efficiency. He lands a power left hook to the body. A 1-2 from Gonzalez stops Cepeda’s advancements. He slips a punch and lands a four punch combination. It’s rinse and repeat at this point. Gonzalez is tagging Cepeda at will but can’t seem to hurt him. Gonzalez slips a four punch combination from Cepeda as the round ends.

10-9 Gonzalez

Round 4: Gonzalez open up with a jab to the body. He’s being elusive at this point and looking to counter Cepeda with power shots. Even when Cepeda lands a punch it seems to do nothing to Gonzalez. Gonzalez gets hit flush with the right as he backs away; then he hits him low that temporarily halts the action. Cepeda lands three punches flush as Gonzalez tries to circle away for a decision win. Both men land a few shots as the final bell sounds.

10-9 Cepeda

TBV scorecard: 39-37 for Daniel Gonzalez. Official scorecards was a clean sweep of 40-36 for Gonzalez

-Victor Morales Jr. vs. Erick Lainez, 4 rounds at featherweight

Round 1: Morales opens up with a crisp right over top. Morales wants to be at long range and is looking to dart in with a combination. Lainez lands a decent jab but Morales returns three jabs back. Morales catches him with an uppercut on the way inside. Morales seems to have the distance and timing down already and tags Lainez with a solid right but get tagged in return with a right hook. Morales tags him and unleashes a flurry on Lainez that almost drops him as the bell sounds.

10-9 Morales

Round 2: Morales opens up with a three-punch combo. He circles away while pumping his jab out there. Morales lands a massive 1-2 down the pipe. Lainez is just plodding forward and getting tagged. Morales is landing at will at the point. Straight punches from range and hooks inside. He tags him with another 1-2 against the ropes. Morales lands a few hooks to the body that seem to hurt Lainez. Morales lands a three-punch combo as the bell sounds.


10-9 Morales

Round 3: Morales goes back to work with straight punches to start the round. Lainez tries to dig to Morales’ body but gets tagged with hooks upstairs. Morales lands a great left and turns the corner to throw another one behind it to hurt Lainez. Morales tags him with a four punch combination to the body and head that has his trainer, Kenny Porter yelling, “Finish him!” Lainez has been hit with everything but is still standing. He gets tagged with a right as the bell sounds.

10-9 Morales

Round 4: Morales lands a six punch combination opening up the round. He seems to want to finish this fight. He lands a crisp lead uppercut to the body. Morales pops him with jab. He lands two right hooks to the body. Lainez trying to throw some offense but its all falling short. Lainez lands a flush left hook but it has nithing on it. Morales is starting to heat up. He lands a few right hands to finish the fight out in what should be a clear unanimous decision.

10-9 Morales. TBV scorecard: 40-36 for Victor Morales Jr. over Erick Lainez.

-Abram Martinez vs. Phillip Percy, 4 rounds at featherweight

Round 1: Percy and Martinez are making their pro debuts tonight. Martinez looking nervous. Percy on the back foot, and he gets nailed with a power left. Martinez level changing and looking to set up the left. He nails Percy with a solid right hand. Martinez lands a 6-punch combination. Both men are looking for the knockout blow. Percy ducks under a right and lands a solid left of his own. Good left hook to the body by Martinez. Martinez lands 4 solid left hooks to knockdown Percy. He gets up before the count but looks hurt. Martinez lands more power shots before the bell sounds.

10-8 Martinez

Round 2: Percy throws two jabs to start out the round. Martinez rocks him with a left again. Percy is trying to answer back with his own power shots but is getting eaten up. Martinez lands a right and left hook. Percy is seriously hurt in there. Martinez lands a solid left hook to the body over and over again. Martinez pushes him against the ropes and unloads another 6 punch combination. Percy lands a huge right hook. The bell sounds before Percy can mount any sort of offense.

10-8 Martinez

Referee Jack Reese calls the bout in-between rounds. Abram Martinez defeats Phillip Percy via TKO in his pro debut.

-Neri Romero vs. Luis Silva, 4 rounds at junior welterweight

Round 1: Romero knocks him down with a left hook off a body jab. Both men are fighting in the phone booth landing solid power shots. Romero is looking for that lead left hook while Silva is looking for the same off the counter. Silva is hurt and keeps getting wobbled with left hooks. Romero get tagged with a lead hook on the exit. Both men engage in the phone booth again, each trying to establish dominance. Romero lands a beautiful uppercut and follow up combo as the bell sounds.

10-8 Romero

Round 2: Romero throws a jab but eats a left hook. Romero lands a powerful right straight. Silva lands a decent 1-2 combo down the middle. Romero is destroying him with power lefts. Silva is wobbled and just taking shots along the rope until he is knocked down. He makes it up but is hurt instantly from another left from Romero. Romero is digging to the body now. Silva is just shelled up taking power shot after power shot.

10-8 Romero

Referee Jack Reese stops the bout in-between rounds. Neri Romero beats Luis Silva via TKO.