Cunningham Scores Eighth Round TKO over Visina


    cunningham_2877555Steve Cunningham improves to 28-6, 13 KO with his 8th round stoppage of Natu Visinia (10-1, 8 KO). The fight was stopped because of a cut inside Visinia’s mouth.

    Before the stoppage we were treated to another great performance from Cunningham. The smaller man in this fight, Cunningham used his jab to perfection, trying to keep the much bigger Visinia from getting inside. Cunningham threw beautiful combinations usually finishing up with a uppercut which most likely caused the cut in Visinia’s mouth.

    Cunningham’s plans came to a sudden halt in the fifth round when Visina landed to what some may think was a blocked punch. Regardless if it was blocked or not it sent Cunningham to the canvas and created an opportunity for Visina who kept the pressure on for whole duration of the round.

    The fifth round did not deter Cunningham from executing the game plan as the 6th round was his best round of the fight. Cunningham landed a vicious left right combination to Visinia’s head that stunned him but did not knock him down. One would ask if he wasn’t 73 pounds heavier would he have been knocked down because Cunningham threw everything but the kitchen sink at Visinia but Visinia was able to stay on his feet.

    Cunningham seemed to make the cut worse in the 7th round, creating a bloody mass in Visinia mouth, as he went back to his corner.

    The doctor checked Visinia thoroughly and decided that Visina’s cut was too bad to continue.

    A bit of a dull ending to some great combat but all in all Cunningham put on another great performance and is putting his stamp in the heavyweight division even if he is smaller than most of its participants.